
What does it mean to enjoy life? What is needed to enjoy life? Many might think those answers would depend upon who you are asking. I tend to believe all our needs are similar, we just satisfy them differently.

Enjoyment does not mean getting everything you want. Nobody gets everything they want. I mean Nobody! It does not matter how rich, affluent, intelligent, successful, or attractive you are, you are not going to get everything you want in life.

But the good news is we can all still enjoy life. We just need to adjust our definition of enjoyment.

Many of us assume that we need to make drastic changes to our habits, routines and/or bank balances to be happy and enjoy life. Fortunately for us, this is not the case.

Quite often we already have everything we need to enjoy life—it is just a matter of making a few small adjustments. To enjoy something, simply means you are conjoined with something or someone that brings you joy.

You have made a conscious decision to enjoy _______ and thus it gives you enjoyment.

Enjoyment is a choice, not a set of circumstances. We must choose to enjoy. The way you choose to enjoy something is by using it, embracing it, observing it, taking note of it, playing with it, giving it your time, effort, loving it.

We all have something we have but have not enjoyed.

Clothes, money, people, relationships, vehicles, living spaces, nature, time, moments, so many things that we have not enjoyed. We must choose to enjoy them. We must take the time to enjoy them.

One of the wisest, wealthiest, and greatest men ever, King Solomon, had this to say, “Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you do not have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless-like chasing the wind”.

That is great advice. Look at what else he had to say.

“I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along the way with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.” Solomon tried to get everything he could, but he failed, because he could not get enjoyment. No amount of money can buy enjoyment. 

That is where his life lesson came from…Enjoy what you have.

He was not suggesting that we settle for what we have, but rather that we use what we have, to make what we want. That is the key to enjoyment!

As children a piece of paper with a few small adjustments became an airplane. A rock or chalk and the sidewalk became a fun game for all to play. Darkness used to signal a fun time of hide and go seek with a few adjustments.

Use what you have, to make what you want. Choose to enjoy life.

Make the meal at home that you cannot afford at the restaurant. Find some people like minded and make some new friends. Look for a beautiful sunrise not far from where you are and go and enjoy it.                      

We should stop buying things, and start finding experiences to enjoy our life.    

Our experiences are what fill our life with enjoyment.                                                                                                           

                                                                        This is a Thompson Truth.   


