Thompson Truths

This is a safe place for seekers to find the truth they were looking for. Not complicated or convoluted, just simple Truth. These weekly devotionals and podcasts from Benton T. Thompson III are certain to inspire, inform, enlighten, make you smile, have questions, and offer hope. Read and or listen to the truths below as you follow along with the podcasts.

Your Name Your Name


We need to focus on our input, what is going into us. That’s how we combat what’s going on with us.

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Your Name Your Name


Which bloodline are you looking into the natural one or the spiritual one?

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Listen to the Truth… a Thompson Truth

Read and listen along to Benton T. Thompson III provide his weekly Thompson Truths in an audio format. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to hear his jovial personality, feel his heart, and understand the truth in a more personable and palatable way.