Many of us have been led to believe if you have faith then you won’t doubt.

Or, if you really believed, your faith would never stagger.

Some say that true faith should be unquestioning.

We’re told you doubt because you have abandoned your faith.

That faith and doubt are exact opposites. Doubt is the antithesis of Faith.

It’s true, you don’t doubt what you know. But what did you do, before you knew?

For many it’s as clear as black vs white. Either you have faith, or you’re a doubter.

How does faith begin? Does it just happen suddenly for no reason?

Does it just manifest out of thin air? Is there no rhyme or reason how to get it?

Is it magic? Or only for a select few? Is it only for the religious aristocracy?

Quite frequently the faith that we have, came from a doubt that we used to have.

So, one could say that doubting is an essential part of having/getting faith.

Or simply, Doubting builds Faith.

Every faith giant, that you read about was a former doubter.

It’s an exception to wake up with faith about something that you haven’t had any experiences with. It can happen, but it is rare.

For most, having and getting faith is a process. A process that began with doubting.

Without doubt, faith would not be faith. Doubt is what requires you to have Faith.

Doubt and Faith are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are present.

Our doubts when proven incorrect are what cause us to have faith to believe.

Again, Doubting builds Faith. Just as challenges build character.

Many believe that doubting is the opposite of faith. That’s not accurate.

The true opposite of faith is certainty. Where certainty is you don’t need faith.

Doubting leads to questioning. Questioning leads to testing. Testing to certainty.

Testing your product before dispensing it, is always a good idea.

Make sure you believe what you say you believe. Before you say you believe it.

Some believe that doubt harms faith.

Doubting nor having faith is the end of a matter.

Faith, if followed out could lead to believing. Or it could not.

Doubt, if followed out could also lead to believing. Or it could not.

Having faith doesn’t mean you believe. It means you desire to believe.

Doubt doesn’t mean you don’t believe. You are questioning what you believe.

Doubting and unbelieving are not the same thing.

God doesn’t reject doubters, he welcomes them. He knows we all have questions.

The issue isn’t doubting, it’s what we do with it. It can help increase our faith.

Just as the flu shot contains some of the virus to help you fight it.

Allow your doubt to inoculate your faith and make you stronger and healthier.

Every Faither, started out as a Doubter.


                                                             This is a Thompson Truth.                                                                                                             


