Have you noticed that there is quite a widespread interest in Genealogy?
Everyone wants to know about their family history.
Even the family tree of Confucious has been constantly updated for the past 2,500 years according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
More recently Alex Haleys genealogical research helped him discover his “Roots”, which reignited the flame for several other families too.
And today, both Hollywood stars and those of us who just gaze at Heaven’s stars, want to know about their family ancestry.
The Greek for Genealogy is Genealogia which refers to the making of a pedigree.
Many want to know their pedigree. Are they in fact the descendants of kings?
Others want to know their Genealogy for health reasons, are there things that they might be predisposed to because of their genetic family history.
Is genetic predisposition the final word? If someone had something does that mean that you will have it?
Some would say yes and cite the great American novelist Ernest Miller Hemingway as exhibit A. Ernest Hemingway’s father had mental struggles and committed suicide. Earnest himself also committed suicide, his two sisters were impacted likewise as well as his granddaughter famous model and actress Margaux Hemingway who took her own life also. Some would suggest they had no say in the matter. Or did they?
Ernest Hemingway’s father suicide was so prevalent in his thoughts that he even wrote a book about it entitled “For Whom the Bell Tolls”.
Sometimes learning about our natural family history can bequeath us with both Blessings and Barriers.
Blessings are the easy part. We say things like; My relative was great, so therefore I will be great.
That may be true, but what about the Barrier part?
My relative was a murderer, so….
Or maybe they didn’t harm anyone else, maybe a relative suffered from severe depression and took their own life.
What does that mean for their relatives? What does it mean for us?
Do we then affirm that part of them as well? Or do we only inherit the good and not the bad genes?
To every life there are both Blessings and Barriers.
Could it be that the Blessings have a part to play in the Barriers? And perhaps even still the Barriers play a part in the Blessings.
Generally speaking, we can experience them both, peaks & valleys, ebbs & flow, blessings and cursing.
But you cannot move forward in your New life if you are constantly looking backward.
Sometimes our past can serve as a Barrier to our Blessing.
We must let go of our past hurts, anxieties, trepidations, failures, and pains in order to move forward. And not only ours, but also those of our ancestors.
Life may be Lifing, but God is still God-ing!!!
Some Barriers are Blessing Blockers. Some Barriers are in place to guide us to our Blessings.
It is critical that we know which are which.
God told the Israelites that he had put before them Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing. Just as he has done for us.
But he also went on to tell them to choose Life! We too should choose Life.
Yes, things can be learned from looking back, but Life must be lived looking Forward.
We receive many physical traits through our genes, such as looks, height, hair color etc. We also receive personality traits, demeanor, and attitude from our genes.
Once, I was told by a family relative that I walked just like my great grandfather, whom I never met or saw how he walked. That’s genealogy.
But research has also determined that not all genes are always passed down. Some are, and some are not. It’s called epigenetics.
They found out that things like our environment, experiences, and decisions play a fundamental role in whether a gene becomes active or remains dormant.
So, while I may not be able to determine my height, I can however influence how high I will go. Because my attitude affects my altitude.
In other words, we have the ability to turn certain genes on or off.
That means my fate is in my own hands, or more precisely my own mouth. So, we are not predisposed to suicide.
Our natural genes come through our natural bloodline, but our spiritual genes come through our spiritual bloodline, a.k.a. GOD.
There may be lots of baggage, issues, troubles, traumas and dramas in our natural family line, but we can deactivate or nullify those genes with the power given to us with our Words by our spiritual family line. And God said…
That means, Low self-esteem no thanks I’m good. Addiction, naw I’m good on that. No thanks Depression, I’m too focused on my Destiny.
Let’s use our Spiritual bloodline to override those issues in our natural bloodline.
Let the weak say I am strong.
Let’s begin today and stop a generational Barrier and start a generational Blessing.
This is a Thompson Truth