In our last session, I said that If we ever realized how powerful our thoughts were, we’d never think another negative thought again.
As we all know, we can have different types of thoughts.
Generally, our thoughts can fall within one of 2 categories: Empowering Thoughts or Debilitating Thoughts.
Some might argue there is a 3rd category, Inconsequential Thoughts. Thoughts about nothingness, just idle chatter. Blah, Blah, Blah. What could be the harm in that? Right?
What if I told you that our thoughts are the difference between having and not having the life we want. Would that change your thinking?
Perhaps this Proverb can offer some insight, Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece.
Idle means lazy, without purpose, of no value. Shouldn’t we value our words/thoughts by being deliberate/intentional with them?
Science has confirmed that our thoughts change the physical nature of our brains.
Did you hear that? Our thoughts change the physical formation of our brain! Brain matter shifts and moves around based on what we think.
It is reported that as we consciously direct our thoughts, we reconfigure our thought process.
What does that mean? Changing the way we think, changes our perspective, which changes how we act or respond.
I say it this way, “Keep doing what you’ve been doing, and you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting. Change what you do, and you’ll change what you get.”
Why are Thoughts so Powerful? Because of their direct connection to Transformation.
Thoughts are either Empowering or Debilitating because of their ability to be transformed into the things that we think about.
Simply put, our thoughts transform the space in and around us to what we are thinking about.
When we think we see pictures/images. Thoughts are images, not just mere words. Images that transform into our reality.
Many of us seek ways to live well, do well, and maximize our potential. Thoughts are that way.
Our thoughts not only affect our life, but they also impact those who come from us.
Epigenetics is the study of how your behavior affects your genes. Your thoughts impact Your generations to come.
Throughout the Bible, you will find many references like this one, to the power of the mind and our thoughts.
For though we are flesh and blood, we are not waging war with flesh and blood. Our weapons of warfare are not earthly or physical but have divine power to destroy spiritual strongholds. We demolish arguments and every lofty idea and opinion raised against the knowledge that God has provided, and we take every thought captive by obeying Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
God’s word tells us to take our thoughts captive. Confine them, control them, direct them.
Is that even possible? Can I control what I think? It must be or otherwise he wouldn’t have told us to do it.
We take captive or control of our thoughts by not doing anything. By not reacting to things.
We must learn to sit and listen for Gods wisdom to tell us what to do.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
God knew what was going to happen long before we did. Let’s hear what he has to say about it.
We don’t always need to react emotionally; we need to learn to spiritually respond.
Remember this is not a battle being fought in the natural realm. Prayer and meditation are powerful tools in the spirit.
If we keep fighting naturally, with our emotions and feelings, we’ll continue the misery.
Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – anything that is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8
We have been given the power to transform our reality with our thoughts.
Don’t believe the lie that we are victims of circumstance or biology. Many of us might want to blame the circumstances of our life for the way our life has turned out.
Shift your Thoughts, Shift your Life! Change your world by changing your words.
As someone thinks within himself, so he is. Proverbs 23:7. We get to choose our reality!
This is a Thompson Truth!