You know when you get that funny sensation about something?

You know the one I’m speaking of. When something just FEELS different.

You can’t quite put your finger on what it is. But it is there!

You feel you know something, about what is about to happen, but you don’t know how you know it.

Maybe it’s an event, a person, or a situation. You just got a feeling about it!

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad sensation; you just feel something.

Sometimes it was a bad vibe, other times it might have been a good vibe.

We often call that our gut instincts. Or we say, something told me.

What would you say if I told you that you are correct on both accounts?

Something did tell you, and it was your Gut. Yes, your gut spoke to you.

Deep within every human being there is an Instinctual Acuity.

It also has many other names like, hunch, instincts, intuition, sixth sense, discernment, and gut feeling to name a few.

But it all adds up to the same thing, a knowing, without knowing how we know it.

Sometimes that can be a bother. Because we feel we must know everything.

How, who, when, where, why, and what for? Not knowing can be unsettling.

Unless you are at a place where you realize you can’t possibly know everything.

Science has come to know and explain a lot of things that has God said were true.

This Instinctual Acuity is one of the many things that science now understands.

According to science, Instinctual Acuity takes place in the little or second brain.

The second brain is in our ENS, Enteric Nervous System, or guts as we know it.

The big or first brain, in our skull, operates through our CNS, Central Nervous System and that’s where we formulate our thoughts.

The second brain gathers insights and assessments that are provided from the spiritual/unseen realm and then sends those findings to the first or big brain.

Which explains why we don’t know where the knowledge came from because we did not learn it in the conventional method that we learn things.

You knew it, without knowing how you knew it.

Your ENS sent a backdoor message to your CNS.

The message went something like this; This is Real, Don’t Ignore It!

The essence of your being, spoke to the image of your being, and told it, what was real and true.

I know this is some heavy stuff, with first brain, second brain, and guts speaking, and all.

But just try and listen through to hear the truth.

Listen to the voice on the inside of you right now that is saying “He’s Right”.

Our brain is the centerpiece of our CNS – Central Nervous System containing half of our bodies nerve cells.

Do you know where the other half of the nerve cells are located? The Gut.

Our gut contains over 100 million neutrons/nerves which is far greater than what is in our spinal cord that serves as the lifeline to the brain.

Our gut is considered those areas in our core like, the stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, etc.

We feel, what we feel, in our gut, not our brain.

Contrary to what many believe; our brain does not determine whether we are happy or sad. Our gut does.

We experience those sensations in our stomachs, or by hairs standing up on our arms, or on the back of our necks, of course in our hearts, somewhere in our core.

Our gut has a mind of its own. Our true identity is held in our core, aka our gut.

When God breathed, his energy into man, he did it through the ENS – Enteric Nervous System, which is the esophagus, lungs, kidneys, and heart.

That’s why God says don’t be nervous, because he gave us our nervous system.

Let’s pause right here for a bit, so we can let that one soak in.

God gave you and I the nerves to do what we must do!

Into the bowels of man, God breathed some of himself, and man became alive.

Essentially, God placed his greatness within each of us, starting with Adam.

So that means that You are already Great! Because God made you from the greatness in Him.

All of us, mankind is composed of 3 parts.

One part flesh – the dirt, earthy soil matter, which Adam was prior to his encounter with God.

One part spirit of God, - which God imparted from himself into Adam, and he became a living soul.

And the last part - those things which we have learned or been taught to do in our minds.

This is what makes up our whole being. This is who we are.

Those three parts are referred to as the Body, Spirit, and Soul of man.

If you are interested in hearing more on this, just request your free copy of How to Hear God – Who Said That? How to Hear God - Book — Benton T. Thompson III (

In the upcoming Truths we will be looking at learning how to tap into the power that God placed within our core being.

For now, just keep a journal of the things that you have been feeling in your gut.

Not your brain. Where thoughts can run rampant.

But those things you feel in the very core of your being.

I have a gut feeling; you will find those things to be very helpful very soon.


                                                           This is a Thompson Truth


