This is a big question for us. It’s really, the quintessential elephant in the room.
Is God tenable or not? We all need to know the answer to this.
Just remember, when considering this question, be sure to differentiate between God and Religion.
Many people get them confused. They are not synonymous.
God is not a Religion, though many have attempted to try and make him so.
People talking about God has become a Religion. But God is not a Religion.
God isn’t an institution. He is a Living Being. He has an essence just as we do.
God has character and personality. God Smiles & Cries! He has feelings and emotions just like you and I.
In fact, I was inspired by God to ask this very question, IS GOD TENABLE?
Many of us have been hurt, lied to, done wrong. cheated, mistreated, taken for granted, mistaken, misunderstood, abused, bruised, and the list goes on and on.
Some of us, likely have trust issues. I, for one, certainly do. I don’t trust too easily.
Many have likely felt Victimized, far more often than have felt Victorious.
That can cause a certain propensity. One can develop a victim mentality and experience PTSD, or battered person syndrome.
If one has developed, or refined their trust issues, they would think that God is not Tenable.
Even the renown prophet, Jeremiah, questioned God when he said “Why has my pain been perpetual, and my wounds incurable, refusing to be healed? Will you indeed be like a deceptive stream with water that is unreliable? Hmmm.
Honestly speaking, Jeremiah, might sound like a great many of us.
We have all prayed and not seen immediate results, which led us to question God.
Look at God, not from our disappointments, but rather from his character and competence.
Let’s look at God through the lens of the 4 core tenets of Credibility.
Tenet #1 - Integrity. God only speaks Truth. He spoke the Earth, moon, and stars into existence, and they have remained in place for more than 4 billion years. He repented for the Great Flood and has placed a rainbow vow to never allow that to happen again. Every time it rains there is a rainbow. God keeps his word
Tenet # 2 – Intent. God is Purposeful and Sensitive. He took the time to make every human being individually different for a purpose with our unique set of fingerprints. No two of us are alike, not even identical twins. He is so aware and sensitive to us that whenever we call upon him, he listens. He keeps a record of all our tears
Tenet #3 – Capability. God is Omnipotent and Omnibenevolent. In the beginning it was only God, he alone made everything that is, into existence in just six days. Wow! He alone is the sustainer of all things. God is Love. He is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Tenet #4 – Results. God is Gracious and Merciful. He has never, nor will he ever leave us. We are living proof of His Mercy and Goodness.
The real response to Is God Tenable can only be known from a personal experience with him.
The way that people in the Bible came to know God.
To them God was not a one-day event, dress up occasion, water cooler conversation, badge to badger, concept or idea adopted by their minds.
He was their reality and offered them significance and purpose for living.
If we seek God with our whole heart, he will make himself evident to us as well.
“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”
We must not allow all the talk about God, to distract us from getting to know him for ourselves.
Let us follow this fellow seeker, King David’s prayer example.
“Show me how you work God. School me in your ways. Take me by the hand and lead me down the path of truth. You are my savior, aren’t you?”
This is a Thompson Truth