
Welcome to part 2, where we have been talking about Love.   

In particular, the Love of God.

Before we get into the Complacent Love of God, let’s look at LOVE in general.

Love is a word that we use a lot.

We love… pizza, food, dessert, our team, that car, money, that person, that perfume, clothes, shopping, going to parties, concerts, plays, entertainers, actors, musicians, colors, traveling, eating out, etc., etc., etc.

We love a lot of things!

Love has come to mean many things. We use love to describe our emotions about something or someone we feel very strongly about.

It is what holds a relationship together, or with the lack thereof, it tears it apart.

There have been a great many stories told about love and lovers.

One such love story that gets told often is the one referred to in John 3:16.          

“For this is how God loved the world, he gave his one and only son...”

For many, this one statement sums up the very benevolence of God’s love.

God was so concerned about man in his fallen state that he sacrificed everything.

This thinking is only partly true.

God was, is, and will always be, very concerned about the affairs of you and me.

But he did not sacrifice his only son to show us that he loved us.

For all those who are yelling, stone this Heretic! please allow me to explain.

God loved us long before he even made the world! God has always loved us.

He is no Show-Off; He doesn’t Flex or Stunt for applause or repayment!

God is Love. Therefore, he doesn’t do something to show who He is, He just IS!

God is Love. That means that Love is God. Love then is the person, God.

Now we are ready to deal with the Complacent Love of God.

When many first hear the word complacent it is attached to negative connotations.

Like, smug, proud, gloating, arrogant and or unconcerned.

But let’s look at the first definition that is given; marked by self-satisfying.

Most love is about give-and-take. God’s love is not.

God’s love is Self-Satisfying.

Love doesn’t need to be Loved. It’s Love. God is Love.

God does not need anything in return for his love.

He loves us regardless of what we do, or don’t do.

God’s Love is Complacent. It is Self-Satisfying.

God is good with loving us, just because he loves us.

He doesn’t even require us to love him back!

We should! But he doesn’t require that we do so.

Sometimes we give because we feel obligated to give back.

Giving has become a matter of recording or cataloging the things we do for someone. It’s how we keep the books. I did this, so that means you owe me.

God’s love is unconditional. He doesn’t have any selfish desires to be fulfilled.

God’s Complacent Love is indifferent because he loves us no matter what!

What we do is inconsequential to the Complacent Love of God.

God is immutable, which means he doesn’t change. His love never changes.

God loves You and Me, exactly the same, whether we are “good” or” bad”.

He is in Love, and He is Love.


This is a Thompson Truth


