
I’m sure you have probably heard the expression; “you will reap what you sow”?

Or perhaps one of these, “you will get what you give”, “Karma will come after everyone at some point”, or “ payback is _______”

Whichever one you are most familiar with, the meaning behind it is the same.

The bad deeds that you do, will come back around to you. They all deal with a belief in giving. But they all display giving in the negative sense. What if we took this same principle and applied it positively? All the good that you do, will also come back to you.

Giving is a principle or law, it is neither good nor bad.  The user determines the outcome. There are many philosophies and religions that speak of a belief in giving.

Giving has obvious benefit to recipients, but it is also therapeutic for the giver.

It has been said that the best way to find yourself, is through giving to others. Often, we can gain some happiness by simply providing it for others. Several studies show that givers sleep better because they have found a purpose in giving. Giving is believed to be linked to better mental and physical health, and even know for increasing your life span.

Many philanthropists adhere to some of these same beliefs. A belief in giving has become their purpose for life. When you purpose to become a giver, you simultaneously become a receiver. Remember what you sow you reap!

My Faith Manual states that as you give it will be given to you. I don’t believe that this was meant to be taken as an apple for apple correlation. Give a dollar get a dollar. Sometimes what you need, money can’t buy. I believe the reference here is to the spirit or heart in which one gives. As in a cheerful giver. One who finds delight and purpose in giving to others.

Some believe the more you take, the more you will have. My faith teaches, that as I give generously, I will receive generously. I have seen this hold true in my life.

I view giving not as an obligation, but rather a principle that I am applying to my life. I don’t see it as a religious act, nor as a way to fleece me. I have a belief in giving. This same principle is used by farmers. The more they sow the greater their harvest.

Farmers don’t sow/give to be religious. They do it because they see it as a vital means to an end. What or where we give is not as important as that we give.

Money, things, time, friendship, compassion, a listening ear, it is all giving.

                                                                            This is a Thompson Truth.  


