
Actions speak louder than words. 

Intentions aside, what we do is more telling than what we say.  Some believe that actions show in our words, but the truth of the matter is that words are displayed through our actions. Actions speak when there are no words. I learned this lesson many years ago when my oldest son Daniel was but a toddler at the time. 

I was shown, though he could not speak, he could still communicate effectively. My father told me to tell my son to shut the door. Despite not being able to use words, Daniel waddled over and shut the door. Actions spoke when there were no words.

Our beliefs, desires, and intentions are generally carried out in our actions.

I wonder what our actions are saying about US. When we truly understand our intentions, we will then understand ourselves. Why we do what we do. Our intentional actions are based on the beliefs that a particular course of action will satisfy our desires.

I work out because I believe it will make me a healthier version of myself. I am intentional in my actions. Intentional means that I do this on purpose, not happen stance, nor coincidence, or because others think I should.  I do it because I want to. When the result does not line up with what we say our intention are, we call it an accident.

Using this same logic, the more intentional we are, the less accidents we will have.

Was _______ an accident, or was it just me not being intentional in my actions?

Research shows that by the time we are 15 months old, we can understand intentional acts. Sometimes we all are guilty of just going through the motions. But when we embrace intentional living, we can live life on our own terms. We can create a life of meaning and purpose. Know what you want to do- know what you value- value what you value- display those ideals in all you do.

When you get out of bed, set some goals and priorities for the day.

I’m not just speaking of things that you will accomplish for the day, that’s important, but also set a goal for how you want to feel for the day. If you want to be happy, then you are going to have to be intentional in your actions to do so. Smile, think of something you find humorous, and smile about it intentionally.

Let’s vow to be intentional, not accidental in our actions. Granted I know that we can only control what we can control. 

But, are we actually controlling those things which we can control? People, events, or situations cannot make us feel something without our permission. Let us choose intentional actions.

                                                                            This is a Thompson Truth. 


