Generally speaking, if you’ve ever heard someone say, You better watch your mouth! It’s safe to say they meant it in a threating manner.
Someone was trying to warn you.
That’s what I want to do today. Not threaten you, but rather warn you.
Warning as in hip you to the game. Make you aware of the power in your mouth, expressly your words.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been looking at our thought life.
What things we think, which mind thinks those things, and why we think them. Feel free to refresh yourself @ YOU’LL BELIEVE ANYTHING - The Pursuit of Better — Benton T. Thompson III (
The reason we were looking at our thoughts is because our thoughts will direct our words. And our words will shape our world.
Too often we speak in alignment with what things “appear” to be, rather than what we want them to be.
What if appearance is just a hoax? What if you are being tested? What if you had the power to change the atmosphere by using words?
Look at what God saw when he looked all around him, and then notice what he said about it.
In Genesis 1, God saw darkness and decay everywhere he looked. Nothing was good, nothing was upbeat, nothing was nice about anything that was before him.
But he did not speak on what he saw, he spoke about what he wanted to see. God said we need some light to shine on this situation, its too dark in here, so he said Let there be Light!
God spoke Light and Life when there was none, and it changed his world.
We’d better watch our mouth! Just because things might be jacked up around us now, we don’t need to talk about it. We don’t need to speak on it. We need to say what we want it to be.
Confessing what we see, and feel is only hurting our faith, Its not helping us to have faith.
Sometimes we speak on the wrong things.
We only perpetuate more negativity by speaking negative things.
Don’t take the temperature of the situation, set the temperature in it.
If it’s bad, you have the power in your mouth to change the climate. Just Try it!
When evil thoughts come to your mind, open your mouth and speak Gods word and watch the climate change. And if doesn’t change quick enough for you then keep speaking it and it will change. We have Gods example on it.
We are made in His image, which means what he did will work for us also.
Now granted your whole world will not change instantly. Remember, it took God 7 days for his world to change, but he stayed at it.
Try speaking something good every day in your life, watch things begin to change, little by little.
Its reasonable to assume that we do not have the same level of faith that God did, when he spoke and changed his world. But His word has the same power for us today that it did for him back in Genesis.
Its not about us believing in ourselves, its about knowing what God has already done.
He changed the world, and we’re living in it.
We all have some things that we know that God has already done. That’s Faith!
Speak Faith, not Fake! Your Faith is no match for Fake.
Don’t Fake it till you make it, Faith it till you make it.
Watch your Mouth and change your world!
This is a Thompson Truth