
Everyone desires or needs Peace at some point in their life.  Whether in your eyes you are among the fortunate or the unfortunate, we need Peace.

I am sure you have heard the expression “Peace and Quiet”. I used to think that Peace was quietness, but that is not completely accurate. Quietness just means that something is not being heard at that moment, but it does not mean that something is not happening. The presence of Peace means there is no conflict occurring nor brewing.

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather it is the force that has managed and subdued the conflict.

I think we should repeat that again. Peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather it is the force that has managed and subdued the conflict.

Some have believed that if they had a more agreeable partner in their relationship then they would have Peace. Still yet others have believed that if they had more money then they would have Peace. But, we know from experience that a good relationship or more money does not guarantee you Peace. There are those who have them, but still do not have Peace.

Peace is not outwardly manufactured from other sources, but it is inwardly manifested. Peace commands agreement, alliance and harmony to come in and manage the conflict of dissension, turmoil and chaos. 

Simply put, Peace is a force that is manifested from the inside of you and me.

Peace is not something you can find or must chase after. Nor should it be looked upon as an endpoint. Peace is always available to us, but it waits to be commanded with authority. Remember that Peace comes from inward, that means that you can only command Peace within yourself. You cannot control nor direct Peace in the life of another.

Nor can anyone else direct conflict to rule in your life.

It is Your Peace! It is Your Responsibility to command it.

We have the power to command Peace to be present and manifested anywhere we need it in our lives. Sure, our circumstances affect our mental state, but we can control or subdue those thoughts with the power of Peace.

Admittedly, it is not easy to choose Peace when you are going through tough times. I still go through periods when I get caught up in worries and stresses, and I do not think of commanding my own Peace.

We can look at mistakes and setbacks as opportunities to practice commanding Peace in that situation. If our road was easy and free of bumps, we might find that we are going the wrong way.  The bumps in the road can teach us what we need to know to progress down a path that is all our own.  

But Peace is available to help us smooth out the ride a bit.

The next time conflict comes in, send it right back out with the force on inner Peace.

Peace Be Still!

This is a Thompson Truth.




Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable