
Everyday life can be so very taxing and busy. Running here and there trying to get everything accomplished that we have on our list for the day. We start out with one list, and as we go along other things get added to it.

The list isn’t always on paper, it could be a mental list. Wherever it is, it contains all the things that we want or feel that we need to get accomplished. Our lists drive us to completion, it measures our success. We are driven!

That got me to thinking about the gears in a car. 

Gears were put into cars to optimize the engine speed. So that we could do more with less effort. Various gears do various things. Higher gears offer more speed to go faster, while lower gears were created to give you a burst of needed energy and power in certain situations.

All that seems to make perfect sense. But why is “neutral” a gear? Don’t worry I’m not offering a short course in automotive repair or driver ed. I’m driving us somewhere. Were going to see when to “Put it in Neutral”.

“D” or drive helps us move forward in life. To advance and keep it moving.

“R” for reverse helps us in those times when we need to backup it up. A do-over. Thank God, sometimes we get a do-over. I know that I have certainly needed them.

“P” is for park is when you are to come to a complete stop. Turn things off and just walk away from the situation. We all need to park some things in our life from time to time. Amen?

“N” is for neutral. Neutral does not mean you are parked. That would be “P”.

When you put it in neutral, your engine is still running, the key is still in place. You are not moving. But you are in position to do so when it is time. God orchestrates neutral moments in all our lives. He calls them “Be Still” moments.  Sometimes we are to just sit and Be Still. Not stop, not keep running. Be Still. When you put it in neutral you are disengaged, but still yet present. This allows some things to play out in our life that might not be ready for us yet.

We don’t need to stop and walk away. We just need to “Be Still” and patiently wait for some things to finish developing. We don’t want to mistake a Neutral moment, for a Stoppage moment.  Neutral allows us to take inventory of all the blessings we have received thus far.

Sometimes when you are tired and overwhelmed, God says put it in neutral. You might be confused, at your wits end. Put it in Neutral. Feeling a bit lonely, hurt, sad. Put it in Neutral.  When in Neutral your engine stays on and ready, but it frees up your transmission.

God wants to free up our transmission, so that we can hear the instructions clearer.

This why Neutral was created. So let’s put it in Neutral and watch God work those things out we have on our list.

“Be still and know that I am God”

                                                                         This is a Thompson Truth.   


