
We all know and have experienced, that painful sting of rejection in our life. Truth be told, most of us have felt it, far more than we would like to admit. Oftentimes, it is our fear of rejection, that leads to a desire for approval.

Sometimes we want the proverbial “thumbs up”, just to signify that we’re okay, and not crazy, for believing or feeling like we do. Maybe you have heard this phrase, “Am I wrong for feeling this way?” Seeking the affirmation of approval is not wrong. The issue is, where we seek it.

Adam and Eve sought approval from a fast talking, slick trick, serpent in a garden. Clearly not the right place. I too, am guilty of looking for it in the wrong place. Why didn’t they just go to the one who gave them all they had?            Let’s not answer that now. We’ll come back to it.

Also, their son, Cain, wanted approval so bad that he killed his brother to get it.  Have you ever killed anyone’s character to get approval? Again, don’t answer.

Throughout history mankind has done some horrible things to get approval; cheat, steal, lie, kill, be fake, play up, not stand up, not speak out, pretend, conform, etc. We have done a lot, just to get the approval of another man, or of another woman. Why are we seeking their approval? They are not perfect either. They got stuff too!

And…they too, are seeking someone else’s approval. It is all a vicious cycle. You can never fully please any man or woman, so therefore, you will never receive their full approval. The only one that can approve of what we do, or feel, or think, is our Creator. I’ve sought approval in; boss, partner, family member, friend, all without success. 

I didn’t realize the approval that I sought, came from a relationship I already had, not one that I was hoping to have. And that approval, did not require me to compromise or sell out. Just be myself. Men’s viewpoints are all one directional. They are based on their own bias.

God is the only one who can see omnidirectional. He is Omnipotent.

He sees us from every direction and perspective all at the same time. He sees, what no one else can see. He sees our WHY? The whole story. We must stop seeking approval from those who cannot see our whole story.

God alone knows the whole story of our heart. He knows ALL. He knows WHY.

The approval applause we seek from man, while seeming rewarding at the time, can quickly turn to stones of contempt, that they will use to bash our heads in. Sometimes people reject us, because they have been rejected, or they feel rejected.

In the beginning God said let Light be, and it was good.

He also said something similar about the creation of mankind. When God made man in his own image. (let that sink in for a bit…) He said it was very good! In other words, Let ____ Be. (fill in your name) And it was Very Good!

This is the approval, that we have all been seeking. Right there in the beginning!



We were created for a purpose, and on purpose by God himself. Each of us was created as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. Rare and unique.  Just like a masterpiece of art, we are subjective, some like us, and some don’t. But, that still doesn’t change the brilliance of the masterpiece that we are.

Be mindful, that doesn’t mean to go overboard and become self-righteous either. When we seek the approval of other people, we risk voiding our own uniqueness. They are not you, and you are not them. We are ALL one of a kind, no two alike.

If they don’t approve of us, we feel we are without purpose, which is a lie. Our value is in our presence in the lives of others, not in our performance for them. You are very good, God said it himself. So, let’s go, and be good at everything. Go ahead, it’s okay to approve of yourself. You, beautiful masterpiece You! 

Tell yourself everyday…God approves of Me; I know this because he made me.

                                                                                     This is a Thompson Truth 


