
Have you ever heard someone say, all I want is just some Peace and Quiet?

Quietness is a word most usually associated with Peace.

This gave me a clue as to what Peace is and what it is not.

Today’s world can take a heavy toll on us. We are constantly being bombarded with news information from every angle about everything.

Lunch breaks are shortened, weekends go by far too fast, I don’t even want to begin to talk about holidays, and vacations are all but extinct.

When do we get some Peace and Quiet? 

We are all stressed over work, home, and life in general. We can hardly catch our breath. We are the rats in the rat race, and everything is speeding up.

Some might say, I don’t have time for Peace. But I would say you have to find time for Peace, your life depends upon it.

Where there is no Peace, suicides increase, mental breakdowns are far too frequent, and irritability becomes the flavor of every day. The need for Peace has never been more crucial than Now!

To understand Peace, I think it will be helpful to understand what Peace is not.

Peace is not being irresponsible and letting things just happen, it is not dull and no fun, and it does not mean that you are timid.

Many people believe that Peace comes through a state of being happy. I will have Peace once I achieve this goal. That is an inaccurate statement.

Peace is all about your internal state taking over control and orchestrating, directing your external state. Allow me to say that again this way. Your inner Peace should direct your outer world, not the other way around.

Inner Peace gives us the quietness we must have in a world so full of noise.

Peace and Quiet! Therefore, they go together. When I have Peace, things are quiet in my head and heart. All the noise is stopped. I can see things more clearly now.

When the noise in our head quiets everything, we are free to enjoy Peace.

Peace is not a switch that can be flipped on and off, it is a process that we must practice regularly to become truly effective.

Think of it like a gym membership, the more you work out the better you feel.

Here are some helpful work-out tips for Peace:

Be mindful of People Pleasing – Please God, people are fickle

Forgive them - Let past offenses go they are toxic 

Quit trying to be perfect – You will never achieve it

Peace comes when you are most comfortable in your own skin. Being comfortable with who you right now does not mean you are settling. This is just the solid start point that we can begin to work from. 

Now that we have a good healthy mindset foundation, we can begin to establish a regular habitat of Peace and Quiet.

As the high winds, threatening storms, and raging waves wash over your tiny boat in the ocean of daily life, we must stand upright in the middle of our boat and command, Peace Be Still!

                                                                            This is a Thompson Truth.


