
It seems like everything these days is so serious. Some things are and should be serious, but everything is not supposed to be. Truth is, we make some things what we want to make of them.

Some things are neither serious nor hilarious, good, or bad, right, or wrong until we define them as such.

It is not good for us to be serious about everything. We need to loosen up a bit sometimes and learn to have some fun. Yes, Fun. I am not having a Peter Pan moment and saying that we should all return to our childhood. I am merely restating the results of years of scientific studies.

Perhaps you’ve heard “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? There is truth in that statement. According to science, he’ll be sick too.

There has been found to be a direct correlation between mood, disease, and pain. When you have fun, certain chemicals get released that your brain and body need. The chemicals produced from your good mood when having fun invigorate all your body functions, increase your immune system, and boost your spirit.

Most of us want to have more fun, it just doesn’t seem easy to do so. 

We have many reasons why we don’t, like no time, not practical, low priority, guilt, perceived inappropriateness, fear of being judged, and many more. But science suggests that we should rethink making time for fun and perhaps even consider prioritizing it. Sigmund Freud saw the value in fun and came up with a “Pleasure Principle”

Remember fun is subjective, so do what is fun to you. Playing golf is fun for me, so I do it as often as I can. Perhaps you like to read, dance, play music, play an instrument, go for a walk, ride somewhere, work out, whatever you find fun, just go and enjoy yourself.

Having fun helps bond relationships, improves memory and concentration, increases thought retention, reduces stress, provides life balance, and increases energy levels.

Studies show that adults only laugh a few times in a day, while children are said to have a good laugh more than 300 times in a shortened day.

The implication is, that as adults we become too serious and lose our ability to laugh while “growing up”.  A happier you is a better you. We don’t need science to tell us that.

So, put some fun on your to-do list today, make it a priority. Laugh, have fun and become a healthier you. 

We need Fun. We need Enjoyment. Life is Good!

This is a Thompson Truth!


