A lot of people might think that believing is difficult. I have found a way to simplify it. Believing does not come as easy for those who think they are of high intelligence. Those who think their intelligence can figure anything out.

Believing works better for those of us who concede we do not know everything, nor can we. Believing means you just came to a place of Trust. Trusting in the unseen and the unknown. A place where we say I don’t have to understand a thing to believe.

A passage in my Faith manual says this; eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has any person even considered just how much God loves them as an individual. In other words, we cannot even fathom just how much God loves us, we are just going to have to believe it.

Faith is like hoping for, while Believing is like knowing so. How can we go from hoping to believing? I am glad you asked. We should do it the same way we grew in Faith.  Whenever we began in Faith, we began small. We took a little something that we could Faith for. Or perhaps we had several small things we were Faithing for. Either way, the principle was the same.

One day, somehow, something happened that we were Faithing for. We got down on our knees and thanked God that it finally happened. (Hopefully, we all did that, if not we still have time to) Then we moved onto something else that we were Faithing for, and eventually, it came to pass.

At different times we received something we Faithed for. Our Faith was growing.  Over time, which can vary by person and situation, we had several things come to pass that we had been Faithing for. Before you say, not me, take a moment to reflect, look back over your life and I am sure you will see something that you Faithed for once, that came to pass.

Hopefully, we all can find something that happened which we were Faithing for. A while back, I shared that I have a huge manilla envelope that contains things I am Faithing for, a.k.a. My Faith Safe. I have locked away all the things I am Faithing for in there. Those things are between me and God only.

As time progresses and things change, I created another new manilla folder. That folder now became my I Believe Briefcase. Contained in it, are the things that I know God has done for me. These things were not coincidences, good luck, or good fortune. These are the things that I know personally that God did. I know this because no one knew but God some of the things I was Faithing for.

Whether they were too big, or too personal, no one knew but me and God, and I locked them away in my Faith Safe.  And as some of them have materialized in God’s perfect timing, I moved them over to the I Believe Briefcase.

Just like My Faith Safe grew, so too will my I Believe Briefcase grow. One small personal thing at a time. In the past, I have asked someone a question to which their answer was “I believe so”. That “I believe so” meant, I hope so, or I think so. God wants our “I believe so” to mean that we know so because we have experienced it to be so.

There have been things that I have experienced that I can say I believe so. I believe that God is Merciful. I know this because there have been many, many. times that I was in the wrong and he spared me. I Believe/know that God is Merciful as a result.

Here is another example, I Believe that God is Gracious. I Believe this because I do not get what I deserve. I deserve hurt for the hurt I have caused, but I Believe God is Gracious. God doesn’t give me what I deserve, he gives me HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE instead.

Some might be wondering why do I have a Faith Safe and a Believing Briefcase? The Faith Safe locks away all my private personal requests, while my Believing Briefcase is to be shared with others so that I can help their Faith to grow.

If you have not already begun one, I encourage you today to start Your Faith Safe right now.  For those who already have a Faith Safe, considering starting your Believing Briefcase so that you can share your testimonies with others to help them start a Faith Safe. Some of the toughest times I had Believing were the times when I failed to review the contents of my Faith Safe. My process is so simplistic, that is why I call it Believing for Dummies. like me.

This is a Thompson Truth


