Before we get into today’s talk, let me first begin by saying No I didn’t mispronounce the word or make a Type O. I really did mean to say FALOSOPHY.

The word that we are most familiar with is Philosophy, which is the undertaking to know and understand the fundamental truths about oneself, the world around them, and their relationship to that world.

In short, Philosophy is a set of guiding principles that we live by. Those principles affect our attitude, behavior, and outlook on all of life.

But what if those guiding principles are based on erroneous information? What if we somehow we got some bad information? Where would that leave us?

That’s why today, I want us to explore FALOSOPHY, a False or Fallible Philosophy.

Everyone wants a great life for themselves, and all those whom they love. But to get to that destination we need a roadmap with directions. Our directions are our philosophy. It speaks to HOW we believe we can get to our “great life”.

Our Life Philosophy is based upon our Belief System, a.k.a. our system of thoughts.

Remember that saying, “As a man thinketh, so is he”

It’s true, Our thoughts dictate our philosophy.

Most often our Life Philosophy stems from one of these four C’s

1.    Connection – Something or someone we were connected to, had a philosophy and we adopted it as our own.

2.    Correction – Something or someone caused us hurt or someone else was hurt and that experience shaped our philosophy. We made a correction based upon that experience. We were determined to never let “that” happen again.

3.    Conversation – We heard someone say something, or someone relayed a conversation that led us to have a particular philosophy.

4.    Community – Your Spiritual Community, Your Work Community, Your Social Community, or Your Social Media Community helped shape your philosophy. Well, “They” said it was true!

Ask yourself this question, where did what you believe come from? What or Who was the source of your belief?

I’ve heard it said, the issue is not in what we know, but in what we think we know!

What do you think/believe you know? Have you fact checked it? Recently?

Sometimes something as trite as music lyrics can influence or shape our philosophy. Maybe a song comes to mind now.

Things like the environment we grew up in can make an impression on our philosophy too. If you were surrounded by people who had a false belief system, then it’s quite likely some of that rubbed off on you.

Also, parents and family play a critical role in our critical thinking.

My mother was very superstitious, and to this very day I still cringe if someone opens an umbrella in the house or places a hat on the bed or on the table. That’s FALOSOPHY!

We can also have sensory based experiences that don’t reflect reality, which produce delusions and illusions.

For example, if you believe falsely that “everyone is out to get you,” you might miss out on meaningful connections or not take an opportunity that would have been very beneficial for you. All because of FALOSOPHY.

Our belief system affects our self-worth and confidence.

We are so susceptible to so many things. It’s worth a look to see if you are operating out of a FALOSOPHY.

You cannot believe Trash and then expect to receive Treasure.

Sometimes we can experience True Lies and False Truths.

Scientists say that our brain has 3 known propensities.

1.    Truth Bias – We have an innate propensity that whenever we understand something that we read or heard we believe it to be true.

2.    Curiosity Bias – We like to pursue the novel, surprising, adrenaline rush, mysterious and mildly risky or fearful experiences. We believe because it excites us then it must be truth.

3.    Conformation Bias – Once we set our minds on a belief, we tend to gravitate to those things which confirm and reaffirm what we believe. See I told ya, I was right about that!

One possible clue to hint that you might be operating in FALOSOPHY is when the outcome you get doesn’t align with the expectation you had.

In the event you are looking for a trusted source, one that’s been around for thousands of years, and has been proven to be true and reliable time and time again, consider Gods Word.

“God’s Word is Inspired. Inerrant, Infallible, and Invincible” 2 Tim. 3

I use it as my personal source of TRUTH.                                                                           

This is a Thompson Truth


