What first comes to mind when you think of having inestimable wealth?
What one thing, could bring you more wealth, than you could even estimate?
Would it be winning the lottery, to have all the money you could ever need?
Just exactly what amount of money, would that be?
Remember things are constantly changing, so what would you base the amount you need on? How much money, is enough money, to last you for the rest of your life?
Do you want enough for your family too? And your friends? Perhaps others also?
If you had only one shot to gain/get inestimable wealth, what would you select?
Perhaps you’d choose a commodity like gold? Its prices are always going up.
How much gold would you need to have enough to last you for your entire life?
Maybe you’d select stocks, bonds, crypto currency, real estate, or something else?
Those things can also be risky and very volatile.
What one thing, could give you inestimable wealth?
Would you consult someone you thought was really wealthy? Could they help?
Would it be influence or power? How much power?
We already know, power doesn’t mean you’ll have wealth, especially not long- term wealth. Many have had power and lost their wealth.
If you were given the choice of having a million dollars, or a million-dollar idea, which would you chose?
That million-dollar idea could be used over, and over, again in different situations.
Then you would be a multi-millionaire.
Also having one, million-dollar idea, increases your chances of having another million-dollar idea. Wouldn’t that be nice?
But how could you get an idea like that? A million-dollar idea.
You’d need some wisdom. Yep wisdom!
Rather than having one idea, wouldn’t it be better to have wisdom for multiple ideas?
So then, Wisdom, is actually the one thing that can get us inestimable wealth.
As well as helping us make better decisions, choose wiser, and have an all-around better life.
Wisdom could do all that for us…So, Wisdom it is then!
But how do we get wisdom? Our Faith Manual offers us a clue.
There was a great king named Solomon.
He ruled over a vast providence with millions of people who inhabited there.
As the king, he had everything you could possibly want.
He was admired, revered, waited on hand and foot, luxuries, and liberties everywhere he turned.
A grand palace, a huge kingdom, beautiful women, all the finest foods, worldly riches, loyal servants, great chariots, lush properties, prosperous businesses, not to mention that everyone was always giving him gifts.
What more could there be?
He had everything you could want on a physical plane, and yet he wasn’t completely satisfied, something was still missing. What was it?
One night while sleeping he had a dream about God.
In that dream God asked him, what was the one thing he wanted, that he did not have?
Solomon didn’t ask God for long life, more wealth, better business deals.
He asked God to give him, of all things, an understanding heart.
Simply put, he asked God to help him understand all the things that were happening in his life.
He didn’t want knowledge, he already had that, he wanted understanding.
We often think the two are interchangeable, but they are not.
Here’s the difference between them.
Hopefully we gain knowledge from the things we have gone through. Hopefully!
We know where we’ve been, what we’ve done, who was there for us, who wasn’t there for us. We know a lot of things. All that we get!
But we don’t know WHY things went down the way they did.
Why did I not…? Why wouldn’t they…? Why did that…?
We know the WHAT happened, but that’s only part of the puzzle.
We don’t know the other half, which is the WHY it happened.
Wisdom is the WHY part! Wisdom is the understanding of a thing.
We might know some things, but do we know why some things?
Despite all that Solomon had, he realized he didn’t know why.
He wanted to understand why, and that’s wisdom. God is Wisdom.
So, he asked God to give him the understanding or in other words Wisdom.
Only God has the wisdom we need. God is the wisdom we need.
Let us follow Solomons example, and ask God to tell us the why, give us wisdom.
Lord God please give us Wisdom.
Wisdom to DO better this year. Wisdom to BE better this year.
Wisdom to MAKE BETTER decisions this New Year.
Lord thank you for hearing and answering us. Amen.
This is a Thompson Truth