Do you find yourself tossing and turning in bed because you just can’t seem to go to sleep? Are you up surfing the web, on your phone, watching tv, or hitting the fridge all times of the night trying to position yourself to fall asleep? When you do get up, you feel groggy, tired, and perhaps a little bit irritable? If you just answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then you are among the millions who have the same problem trying to get some sleep.
A good night's sleep is said to be the key to a healthy lifestyle. Aside from helping you find inner peace, it can greatly improve your mood, your physical health, and the overall quality of life. Sleep is what heals your body and restores the brain chemicals that help you function normally.
Our world today has many of us feeling extremely stressed for so many different reasons. Given the current climate of COVID -19 and all the uncertainty that comes with it, in addition to the daily ever-increasing demands placed on us, it is not surprising that so many of us suffer from a lack of sleep and struggle to get adequate rest.
Failing to get enough sleep can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing. When we do not get proper sleep, it affects our ability to handle and cope with some of the daily challenges of life, and it gets us off our game. The folks on Wallstreet also know that many of us are not sleeping and have built a very lucrative business around our insomnia. The sleep market is expected to generate an excess of $100 billion dollars annually in the next few years. As a solution, we are told to buy a better more expensive mattress, take some introductory trial medications, do sleep therapy, or play some ambient sounds when trying to rest.
Our unrest has certainly been well documented. You can also find it referenced hundreds of times throughout the world’s best-selling book in history, the Bible or as I refer to it “my Faith manual”. It seems everybody knows and has known that we can all have trouble sleeping. So, what is the solution? I am sure you have noticed by now a theme with me. I always look to God for my answers since he is the wisest being who has ever existed. When I don’t want an opinion, a theory, or conjecture, I look to God, because I/We need the answer.
The simple answer was right there in black and white. God says that he will give us, his beloved, sleep. Yep, that is the big reveal. God loves us so much he wants/needs us to get the sleep we need. We don’t have to pay for it, get therapy for it, or try some new experimental drugs to receive it. Here are some additional details about it. Not only does he want us to get some sleep, but he also understands the reasons why we don’t. In my Faith manual, God says he understands that we are worryful,(my word) worried about life and how things will turn out. He knows it causes us stress, sorrow, and anxiety sometimes. That is why he offers us his beloved sleep that we need. I use the word offer because it is conditional. At the beginning of his offer, he states that we must turn over the control of those situations we are worried about to him. We must relinquish our control to God. For many of us that can be a tough thing to do. But do it we must. What’s at stake here is not just sleep, the end game is much larger than that.
God wants us to have the big trophy which is Peace. Ah, sweet Peace. Everybody needs Peace. Here is what was written, “In Peace, I will lay down and sleep, for you alone God, make me feel safe and protected” Let’s get some much-needed sleep and rest this New Year because we will turn over the controls of life to God. He will watch over us and handle the things we cannot and keep us safe. No more counting sheep, we will be counting blessings as we fall off to sleep in 2021.
This is a Thompson Truth.