Greatness is something that can seem so elusive. You can read books, ask questions, talk to different people, listen to various podcasts and lectures, or whatever else you might try and do, yet you still come away without truly knowing the secrets to obtaining greatness.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to be a great friend, mate, parent, provider, leader, neighbor, person, believer, or professional. It’s still tough to zero in on exactly what needs to be done to be great.

Well, through my studies I have found us an answer. It’s the good old fashion daily grind. What I like to call routine consistency.

In other words, do what you do with consistency and purpose, being mindful that even though it seems mundane it will lead to greatness.

Rarely has anyone done something once, or the first time, and it was great. More often after it has been done numerous times repeatedly, is when it becomes great.

Greatness is not achieved by perfection, but rather through consistency.

If someone is said to be a great athlete, it is because they have put in a lot of routine work.

We need to focus on what we are doing, and God will handle when it pops.

Look at this passage that I found. Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run. But only one receives the prize. So run that you may obtain it. I Corn. 9:24

This makes me want to continue to be consistent. Continue to run, and run, and run. I’m sure you’re familiar with the expression, “Steady wins the Race”. Steady is consistent in the mundane, the routine, the grind, the uneventful, and unexciting. Just keep plodding along, the same way, every day, until THAT DAY.

There is an account in the Bible of a young boy named David, who came into his THAT DAY, when he fought and killed a giant leader of an army who threatened to kill all those in his community.

David was considered by the people to be a great warrior because of his victory THAT DAY. But as for David, he just did what he had been doing all along, routine consistency.

Throughout his shepherding, he had numerous run-ins with lions and bears that were attempting to take a sheep from his flock. He vigorously defended his flock with rocks and a slingshot and killed those predators.

This was just another routine, mundane day for David, he didn’t know this was going to be his THAT DAY. All because he continued to do what he had always done. Even on the day of the great battle, he came with the same simple weapons he always used, rocks, and a slingshot and defeated the giant.

He experienced Routine Greatness THAT DAY, just by doing what he had always practiced.

The Mundane led to the Miraculous.

Your greatness is not something that you can produce, you can only prepare for it by being consistent in the mundane, the daily routine. Remaining steadfast.

Even the creation account shows this same example of consistency in the daily routine, leading to greatness.

God did what he did on day one and he said it was good. Then he did other new and wonderful things for four more days and he said they were all good. On the sixth day God did what he did, but by this time he said it was very good.

Routine Greatness! Mundane to Miraculous!

Things went from good to very good. Being Consistent leads to Being Great!

Greatness comes forth when we face the giants in our life.

Greatness comes forth when we remain diligent even if we’ve done good before.

Greatness is not of us, but it is for us. Greatness comes from God.

Our gifts and callings come from God.

That means our spiritual genes will overtake our natural genes as we continue to diligently run the race.

God will take our ordinary and add his extra, then we will be Extraordinary.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.  Galatians 6:9

Here is my prayer. Lord, please help us to be diligent and consistent in every good thing we do. Amen.

This is a Thompson Truth


