
Have you had ever an experience when you felt that you should or should not something, but you didn’t know why?

Or perhaps you felt you knew something, without knowing how you knew it?

Often times we would say, something just told me…

That was very likely your Spiritual sense kicking in.

Most of us have heard about our Literal senses of Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Hearing.

But we don’t often hear much about our ever-important Spiritual sense.

Spiritual sense has been called intuition, gut feeling, our sixth sense, and discernment.

Our Spiritual sense is just as vital if not more so than our literal senses.                                       

We need our literal senses to help us navigate through the natural world.

But what about the unseen world of emotions, feelings, dreams, and thoughts? That is where we need our Spiritual sense.

Our Spiritual sense can be intuitive. We just sense something IS, without the benefit of conscious logic and reasoning to back it up.

Some refer to the Spiritual sense as our second nature.                                                     

Not necessarily second in priority, but an additional level of insight.

We have the natural realm, which is literal, we can see, smell, taste, hear, and touch it.

Then there is the Spiritual realm, which we can sometimes hear, see, and feel things from that part of reality as well.

The intuitive part opens up our imagination. It’s another level of perception.

Our Spiritual sense opens us up to awareness that is unseen by the natural eye.

It’s not spooky, take for example the millions of organisms constantly floating around and in us that we cannot see with the natural eye.

They are there, we are just not always consciously aware of them.

So too are things in the Spiritual realm. They exist we are just not always consciously aware of them.

The intuitive level is an inner sensing, a level of higher learning and knowing.  That is where we can get revelation from.

Don’t allow that which can’t be explained hinder your growth of self and the worlds around you.

So, the next time “something tells you!”, and it’s not illegal or immoral, give it a listen and explore your Spiritual sense.


  This is a Thompson Truth




