
Is Faith still needed in today’s time? After all, we have made so many great advances in science and technology over the years.

Do we still need something as archaic as the caveman’s Faith? We’ve got fire now!

We’ve sent people to the moon and outer space, cured polio, invented the internet and social media. We can make a baby in a laboratory, journey through time faster than the speed of light, we have smart phones and even smarter tv’s, and electric cars. There have been countless strides made through science and technology.

In fact, you can Google them! LOL. Our grandparents might not know what “LOL” or “Google” means, but we do, all because of science and technology.

Has technology become our Faith substitute?                                                         Have our inventive minds become the source of all our hope?                Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “necessity is the mother of invention”.

Man doesn’t have to live by Faith, he can live by technology! Right?

Perhaps America will remove “In God We Trust” from currency and replace it with “In Science We Trust” or “In Apple We Trust”.

Some feel that due to the great advances in science and technology, having Faith, has become obsolete and unnecessary. Let’s explore that for a bit.

Science is based in logical reasonings. Faith is not logical, but more innate.

Science can be taught, explained, and generally understood.                                      Faith cannot be explained it must be experienced.

Science seeks to explain everything. Faith simply believes without explanation. Both have their applications and times of usage.

Faith is used when someone turns on a light switch, believing they won’t be electrocuted, or when you start up a vehicle, believing putting fire to gasoline it won’t explode, because we don’t know the science behind what makes them work.

Science is used to understand the human body. Yet it can’t be used to explain why we have different blood types, fingerprints, emotions, feelings, or dreams.

Faith doesn’t necessarily offer to explain these things either, it just accepts them as apart of our own uniqueness.

Science and Faith both begin with a set of assumptions that lead to a truth.

Truth is not always fact.  A fact is a consensus that is accepted as being true.

Truth can be unknown depending upon the facts you know and have available.

Based upon the facts you have; the truth might be something completely different.

However, it is worth noting that science has confirmed a great number of things that Faith has simply accepted as truth.

There could very well be a science to your faith, or you could have faith in science.

A belief in science requires us to believe in the kind motives of the heart of mankind to do what is best for ALL of humanity without greed, impure motives, societal discrimination, or preferences.

A belief of Faith in God requires us to blindly trust, with childlike faith, that he created the solar system in perfect balance and will thus balance my life.

I am not a technological development, and I am offended every time a robot asks me to prove that I am a human being through Captiva.   

Have we allowed artificial intelligence to replace our actual human intelligence? I wonder what Alexa or Siri would say.

                                                         This is a Thompson Truth.                                                                                                    

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