
We have all had those times in life when we felt alone and downtrodden.

It seemed like no one knew or even cared about what we were going through.

There was no one to talk to.

You couldn’t talk to family because you didn’t want them in your business.

You couldn’t talk to friends or coworkers and risk judgement or bear hearing see I told you so.

You felt almost invisible. Perhaps like no one could see you.

You may have felt like even God was so far away from you, and that He didn’t care.

There’s no way he would either have the time, or the interest, in what was going on in our little life.

With all that’s happening in the world today, there is now way we could be a priority!

Have you ever felt like this? What if I told you that nothing could be further from the truth?

I know it is hard for us to grasp just how the God who rules over the universe and all that is in it, could, or would, have time for little ole us, but it is true.

He does! The Eyes of the Lord are always on us.

Not just watching us like a strange voyeur, looking to be entertained by our misery.

But rather He is watching to see where, when, and how he can help us.

Here is a passage that I found in the Faith Manual…

The Eyes of the Lord are busy scouring the whole Earth searching for those who are troubled that he might strengthen the hearts of those who love him.

Who knew that God was looking for us when we felt at our lowest?

Not just a quick casual glance. But a missing person search. All hands-on deck.

That is what scouring means. Thoroughly search looking inside out, and upside down.

Not only was he looking, but when he found us, he was going to help us feel better.

Wow! Thank you, God!

Some believe that God is only watching just to judge. But now we know better. We know the truth.

God doesn’t look at our past decisions, nor current circumstance.

He looks at our heart. Our tender, broken, and sometimes confused heart.

That is what draws him ever closer to us.

His intimate knowledge of us comes through his eyes. The Eyes of the Lord.

He studies us and is sensitive to our every move.

In another place it puts it this way “The Eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch over the good and the wicked”

The Eyes of the Lord represent God’s Providence. His area of dominion.

Which is everywhere. There is no place that we can be, that he cannot see.

He will never stop searching for us. No matter how long the time.

His eyes are constantly searching everywhere to see how he can uplift, encourage, and support us.

So next time you are lost, just send up an SOS prayer, so he can locate you faster.


  This is a Thompson Truth.


