
Hands are most notably known for making gestures. Right?

Stop, come here, be quiet, and the ever infamous, get lost or a facsimile thereof.

Some people use their hands while speaking. It’s called making hand gestures.

God uses his Hands to make gestures of Peace and Love in our life.

The use of hands is also how our hearing-impaired friends communicate.

God uses his Hands to communicate with us too. He shows us his Commitment.

Perhaps you’ve heard of an expression that refers to the Hand(s) of God.

“That was surely the Hand of God that saved us”, “In everything both great and small, we see the Hand of God”, or “Just leave everything in God’s Hands”.

The Hand of God is not a literal body part, but rather an expression from his Heart.

The Hand of God is used to guide us and direct our steps.

Picture a caring father helping his child learn to ride their bicycle.

One hand on the seat, the other had on the handlebars. Can you see it?

His Hand gently persuades and moves us from one position in life to the next.

From one situation to a much better situation. Tenderly aiding us along the way.

Many times, when we are going through challenges or confusing times, his hand is very prevalently guiding us. He will never leave us own our own.

Sometimes it might be many years later before it becomes clear why God brought us through that experience the way He did.

As we look back over our lives, perhaps we can see where his Hand was.

Moving, guiding, urging, and protecting us from another bad decision.

Sometimes he ruled in our favor, other times he overruled in our favor. Thank you, God!

He knows each of us personally and individually. That’s how he can help us.

We are all “Divinely Dysfunctional” and Unique on Purpose.

Divinely Dysfunctional: Unique on Purpose — Benton T. Thompson III (

God often gives signs and wonders that we can use to see where His Hands are.

Sometimes his hand is moving on our heart, sometimes His Hand is on a person in our life, and still other times His Hand is moving through a situation we’re in.

Any time of challenge is rarely enjoyable. But God can use those situations to provide a great opportunity for growth, both spiritually and emotionally for us.

In the Bible it says to “consider it pure joy” when we encounter various trials, because they are immensely valuable to our spiritual lives.

How so?  Glad, you asked.

When we fall, God gets the opportunity to use his Hands to catch us and help us.

Then he lovingly moves us to the place we should be.

As we see that, our faith and love for him grows. We also grow in trusting him.
No fall has ever killed us. Proof is we are still here. Thank you, God!

The hand of God is a symbol of God’s guidance, instruction, and correction.

As we recognize the Hand of God, the better we will be able to follow His lead.

At times the Hand of God can appear so common that we don’t recognize it.

So, the next time you feel a nudge just say; Father God lead me by Your Hand.

  This is a Thompson Truth


