Have you ever heard some say, “Why are you making that face?”, or “Quit making that face!”
Truth is our face often reflects what we are feeling on the inside. Some might even say that our face reflects our true feelings.
We grimace when we are in pain, we smile when we are happy, we look confused when we don’t understand something, and we cry when we are sad or hurt.
Our face is telling a story or offering a narrative as to our current reality.
What about Gods Face. What story is it telling.
The Bible refers to God as The Ancient of Days. That means God represents every day that ever was.
So, what is the message that is on the Face of God?
Gods face is more beautiful than any human face and yet no one has seen it. His eyes are brighter and more stunning than could ever be depicted, but what color are they? His face is full of love, kindness, mercy, and gentleness. What’s his skin color?
Gods Face is the face of Hope! Gods Face is the face of Endurance! Gods Face represents never giving up.
Oftentimes, we can see an image of Gods Face in the face of others if we look closely enough. Have you seen God lately? Was it that person on the street? Perhaps it was the one that bumped into you accidentally. Or maybe he appeared as a child. Would you know the Face of God if you saw it?
Over the past few sessions, we’ve been learning to experience The Humanity of God in various forms.
We’ve tried to Think through God’s Mind and Hear through Gods Ears.
Today we will endeavor to be seen as The Humanity of God – His Face.
In other words, we should all be striving to be seen as the Face of the God. We were created to be the Face of the Franchise – The Kingdom of Heaven.
We are God’s representatives!
One of the first things you usually notice about someone when you meet them for the first time is their face.
You look them in the eyes, you observe their features, you look at their expressions. Are they smiling? Frowning? Or are they very stoic and serious?
These things might give us an indication of the type of person they are, or the type of conversation you might have with them.
What read can we get from God’s face?
The Bible tells us that God is a spirit and cannot be seen by human eyes, still the face of God is mentioned in many passages.
Just as we try and determine someone’s countenance by looking at their face, we can also do the same with God. We can learn much about God Himself as we look at His face as described in the Bible.
The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
As we behold the face of God, please note these six things we can learn about who God is, and what he desires for us from His Awesome Face.
Gods Face will 1. Bless / Empower Us to Prosper, 2. It will Keep / Protect / Safeguard Us, 3. His Face will Shine and bring Lightness and Brightness upon Us, 4. It will bring Grace /Favor to Us, 5. His Face will Improve our Countenance /Mood / Behavior, 6. Seeing Gods Face will Bring Us the ever so important gift of Peace.
God is Our Friend. Exodus 33:11 says… “So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend”.
Wow! Moses demonstrated how it is possible for a human being to have an intimate relationship with the all-powerful God of the universe! This passage also tells us it is amazingly possible for us to know God as a personal Friend! Not only is God available to be our friend, He actually longs for us to come to him for fellowship and be His Friend.
In recent years, technology has enabled us to “FaceTime” one another. So though we may be miles apart, we can actually see the face of our loved ones as we enjoy sweet fellowship. And so it is, that as children of our Heavenly Father, we have access to the throne of grace where we can boldly come by faith, and through the person and blood of Jesus, and speak face to face with the Most High God, who is both our Lord God and Friend.
God wants us to Face Time Him, DUO, ZOOM, Teams or whatever else you prefer, just make sure you turn your camera on so that he can see you and you can see him.
If we have learned anything through this pandemic it is the importance in the value of seeing one another.
Let’s Seek Gods Face, Show others Gods Face, and Let’s Be Gods Face!
This is a Thompson Truth