Unforgiveable is a compound and complex word, both naturally as well as emotionally. Its ramifications can be far reaching, deep, and lasting.
But for the next 5 or so minutes, I would ask that you please try and put aside your personal experiences and let us simply explore the word.
As I said, Unforgiveable is a complex and compound word, which means it is comprised of several words with vast and varied meanings.
I want us today to just focus on the word and not the feelings associated with it. Feel free to come back to your feelings at the end.
With regards to our Emotional Health and Spiritual Health, Unforgiveness is like cancer.
It is a disease. Its symptoms can vary widely, or you may not be consciously aware of its presence at all. It begins in the heart and then spreads. It attacks healthy areas seeking to make them toxic.
No one really likes to speak of it. Sometimes even just thinking about it can produce a level of angst. Regular Spiritual checkups are highly recommended.
Not only does Unforgiveness affect our Emotional Health and Spiritual Health it also damages our Physical Health too. Unforgiveness leads to chronic stress and increases our risk of heart disease, depression, diabetes, and it even weakens our immune system.
A weakened immune system that results in a cold might not be COVID, but it could be Unforgiveness. We might want to test for that also.
Like cancer, we are all susceptible to it. I would venture to say that we will all likely battle Unforgiveness at some point in time in our life.
Whether it is related to us personally, someone else, or God. It is paramount that we learn how to properly deal with this Dis-Ease.
Unforgiveness can loom heavy around the human heart, “seeking whom it can devour”.
Now, let’s try and break that word down, so we will know exactly what we are dealing with here. A wise Proverb says that in all your getting, be sure to get an understanding. Let’s see what understanding we can get.
I recommend we start with the prefix and suffix, and then we will attack the middle portion last.
The prefix UN is short for undo. UN also signifies that it is in opposition to whatever word follows it. As in to UnFollow someone.
Next, the suffix ABLE refers to one’s ability to do. In short, ABLE confirms that it can be done. You CAN do it!
I don’t know about you, but I am already confused about what this word is trying to convey to us. Let’s do a quick recap.
UN, means I am attempting to undo, that which I am well ABLE to do.
So then, I am working hard, trying not to do something, that I am able to do! Hmmm, ok!
Remember we are holding off on our, “Yeah but he did this, or but they did that…” We’ll address that at the end.
Maybe it will become clearer as we move on. Let’s see.
Now for the middle part.
The elephant in the middle part of the word Unforgivable is Forgive.
Isn’t that peculiar!
The Old English word is forgifan, which is a combination of the words for and gifan, meaning “to give”. So, Forgive means “to give”.
Wait there’s more!
The Greek verb aphiemi also means “to forgive” or “to let go”
Forgive now becomes an instruction to us to let go of that which we have been holding on to.
When we don’t forgive, we are tied to that which we have not forgiven.
Tied to the anger, tied to the pain, tied to the hurt! We keep reliving it!
If we don’t let go it will drown us. It will take us under. It will kill us, eventually. Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually.
That means that anytime that cancer wants to come back and eat away at our happiness we have given it full permission to do so because we didn’t loose it, a.k.a. let the person who committed the offense go.
Forgiveness is a core tenant of every believer who loves God.
God forgave us, of all our foolishness. Everything we did, intentional or unintentional, He forgave us. He didn’t let it stay tied to us.
“What we did, does not define who we are. But it should help develop who we will become.”– Benton Thompson III
Not only did God forgive us of all our sins, known and unknown, but he also forgave the person who hurt or offended us.
How can we Un Forgive someone who God has Forgiven? Is that even possible?
Do we really want to be in the business of taking back something that God gave to someone? Is that what we want to do?
The answer to these questions is a resounding NO. That’s not what we want to do.
So, then what are we doing? Deceiving ourselves, hurting ourselves, and making ourselves sick.
No one is saying that forgiveness is easy. Afterall, it did cost Jesus his life when he paid for our forgiveness through the cruelest form of execution known to mankind, crucifixion. He paid that price for us!
Because of his great sacrifice it made it easier for us “to forgive those who trespass against us.” Luke 11. We forgive them, as He forgave us.
During Holidays or any days, Forgiveness makes a great gift to give Yourself.
So go ahead and loose yourself and see if you don’t feel better.
Better Health, Better You!
Be Blessed!
This is a Thompson Truth!