
Lately, there has been a lot going on in the world, as a community. And when you factor in our own personal struggles, it can all be quite daunting.

Mental, emotional, and physical fatigue, can quite easily set in.

Staying up to date with the latest virus reports, following changing local and regional guidelines, watching current news headlines, and trying to live your life.

It is exhausting! And one could very easily become discouraged.

With all the new additions, to our new normal way of living, we forget to add one very important and vital ingredient, to our everyday life.

We must add JOY! Joy is a positive and uplifting energy that can help us through the unexpected curve balls that life throws our way.

How long has it been since you experienced joy?

I am not talking about smiling or laughing, those are important. Nor I am talking about happiness, which is a feeling based on your senses. I am speaking of joy. 

Joy is not a mood it is a state of mental awareness. An awareness that knows despite what you see around you, hope is not lost.

Joy is not, nor can it be, altered by one’s circumstances. Joy is inner knowing.

Knowing things will be fine, is very different than hoping things will be fine.

It is great to hope, but it is better to know.

When you know things will be fine, then you have joy, inner confidence.

Let me give you an example. 

Let’s say you are waiting on someone to give you a ride to an important appointment, or perhaps just a simple ride home after a long day.

Whatever the case, you require transportation, and a friend offered to help you.

This friend is extremely reliable and trustworthy, but they are late. 

What do you do?

Do you consider a backup plan? Do you panic? Do you head out walking?

Or do you just remain calm and confident knowing they will come for you? 

That is Joy. Remaining, knowing, confident… IT WILL BE FINE!

See what I meant by joy does not care what it looks like, Joy knows.

Do you know God loves you? I know for certain that He does!  Down deep inside of you, you know it too. 

Look at ALL he has brought you through. No one knows better than you, what God has done for you.

Even if He is late, when He finally pulls up, we will be smiling, and so will He, because we knew, He would never leave us, nor forsake us. 

God cannot forget about us, we are his greatest, most precious creation.

When you know this, you cannot lose your Joy, because you cannot lose God’s love for you. Joy is always there because God is always there. Watching and waiting to help us wherever we need it.

This kind of Joy allows us to take pleasure in work and life, or whatever. 

The best way to defeat stress is with JOY.

So, smile, laugh, be giddy, and show everyone that you are not worried, you have Joy because you know that GOD will save you, like he has before.

Joy to the World, the Lord has come!

This is a Thompson Truth!


