
We previously talked about how our thoughts impact what we manifest in our lives. But it can also be argued that the real power lies in our words. 

What are you saying?

Our words embody our innermost thoughts. They are an affirmation to the world of how we see ourselves as well as how we see others. The words we use enable our thoughts to manifest our reality. We must be mindful not to misuse such a powerful asset. Not only do we have to choose our thoughts, but we must also start watching our mouth. Never let come out of your mouth something you do not want to happen! Never wish a bad thing if you do not want it to become a reality. Your words carry power. 

Without words, a thought can never become a reality. In today’s world we have become conditioned to talk freely about every woe, misfortune and problem that we are experiencing. We moan and complain about every part of our lives to others. When we do this, we are putting those negative words out there to become a reality. I’m so broke! I have nothing but bad luck following me! I always choose the wrong partner! If you say something out loud enough times your words become the truth, not only in your own mind but in the minds of everyone you are saying them too.

My father told me about a co-worker of his who used to constantly tell people he would go home and ride his horse after work. My father knew the man did not have a horse. Yet he told this story over and over, to anyone who would listen. One day he came to work, and he showed my father a horse saddle he purchased. He had told that story so many times, he believed his own lie.

What are you saying?

We must realize that we are conveying a temporary feeling about a temporary state that is subject to change! Let’s close our mouth. Do not make that your reality by speaking it so. Do you really want to tell yourself and everybody that you know that you are stupid, unsuccessful, miserable, never get good breaks, or whatever else you have been complaining about? Especially now that we know that it is these exact words that are creating the life we have. 

So, what can we learn from this? If our words and thoughts are the very tools with which we create our reality, then surely, they are our most powerful tool yet! We should only pick the very best words in order to create our very best reality.

What are you saying?

Let’s begin to choose the words that we speak consciously and practice improved self-awareness over the words that we use to describe ourselves and our life. Negatively powerful words such as ‘can’t’, ‘shouldn’t’, and ‘won’t’ should all be avoided. They strip us of our ability to manifest a life that we want to live.

A skeptic might say, you cannot just say what you want, and then it will happen. I would say that is correct. However, putting negative energy and expressions out in the atmosphere is surely not the way to get the life you want.  As I stated earlier, your words indicate what you believe on the inside of you, they represent your true self. 

The creator of the universe spoke, and we are all living in His words. Therefore, next time you catch yourself about to use negative words, regain control and frame your word choices so that they have a much more positive impact on your world.

For example, if you would usually say something such as ‘I am unhealthy and overweight’ then why not turn this into a more positive, constructive statement such as ‘I am in the process of becoming healthier and every day I get closer and closer to my ideal weight’.

Our words are the paintbrush by which we paint our reality. Choose those words wisely and consciously to create a reality that is good for yourself and others.

Choose your Thoughts! Choose your Words! Create the life you want!                   

                                                                            This is a Thompson Truth.    


