
Hello Seekers, we are in the last week of March, or what I have been referring to it as “ME Month.” This is the month where we focus on ourselves, not other people, not the other things happening around us, just ourselves. This last week in the month is the culmination of all our messages for the month. Previously we have been focusing in on; What Are We Thinking, Where Are We Thinking It, What Are We Saying, What Are We Projecting, and now it is time for ACTION. Lights, Camera, Action!

That is what a film crew would traditionally say when making a film. In this film, YOU are the star, and it is time for action. We have been gathering information and now it is time to apply that which we have been learning about. 

Sometimes we hesitate to just get out there and get started. Start trying to do the things we say we want to do. We can wait no longer. There is no better time than Now Time. One of our biggest challenges for NOT doing something is Fear. Fear of failure. Failure is like the pain women experience during childbirth; it is well worth the Baby. Fear is generally closely followed by a Lack of Knowledge, we do not know what to do to get started doing. NEWSFLASH, everyone experiences these same challenges!   Yep, that is correct, everyone. Every time anyone embarks on something new and different these same two challenges arise. So, what do we do, you might ask? We do what successful people do, which is to disregard those impulses and start doing. I’m not just saying this to you, I’m speaking to myself as well.

This month I have just started doing some things, anything that moves me towards my ultimate goals. I do not see them as large or small, each thing I do is a step towards my destination. My destination is the place I dream of; the place where I see myself in my heart, the things I want to be doing. So, I have begun moving myself, my thoughts, and my actions on that journey.  Step by Step. Thought by Thought. Idea by Idea. Person by Person. Event by Event. I must keep moving toward it or them. That is MY purpose. To fulfill the dreams that are in MY heart. YOUR destination is where you want to be, and YOUR PURPOSE is to fulfill the dreams in YOUR HEART!

There is no set formula. We are all as different as our fingerprints, no two are alike. 

Right now, what you do, is not as important as, that you get to doing something, anything!  This is OUR time to DO. Each day resign yourself, commit yourself to do something, anything that will advance the dreams and visions you have in your heart. Stop just talking about your dreams and start living them out. Humanity needs you to be uniquely you! 

I’ll leave you with a message from my faith manual, Don’t you see what this all means – all the pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we better get on it. Strip down, start running and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasites in our souls. Run! LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!

This is a Thompson Truth. 


