
There are so many conversations being held everywhere, with everyone talking about COVID-19 and its many troubling tentacles and Anxiety is at an all-time high.

This Pandemic has led to so many uncertainties.  

When everything was first shut down, a shock wave was sent throughout all of humanity. Followed by an aftershock of uncertainty, with everyone wondering how long this thing was going to last. 

And now here we are, more than a year later, and we are still just as confined and restricted like it was when it first began. 

Some of the same questions are still looming. 

When will life return to normal?
Will there be additional waves of the virus?
Will a loved one, or someone I know, get the Corona Virus?
If a loved one does get it, will they be okay?
What are the long-term effects?
What are we going to do?

Though I personally have never lived through a pandemic, I have however lived through many times of uncertainty and anxiety. 

I have been where the hours turned into days, then the days turned into months of not knowing, and not having a clue of what would be next. Wondering what in the world was I going to do now?  I had that sick worried feeling in my stomach.  Can you feel me?                                                      

Through all those times, this is what I have come to learn.

Uncertainties will always be. We will have various ones throughout our lifetime.                                                           

Uncertainty is a part of Reality. 

The good news is, there is stability to steady us.

The one stable force that I have found through it all is…GOD!

Our faith in God can change…Our view of God can change…But God himself will never change.

We can trust God when the future seems uncertain because God is both consistent and constant.  

He is the only unchanging one. People can change. Situations can change. No matter what happens tomorrow, or the next day, He will not change.  

Focusing on God’s stability is how we can control our anxiety.

Here are three practical tips that I use to help take control over anxiety.

Filter what is let in. 

Fear breeds Anxiousness. Control the fear, and you will control the anxiety. Filter what you watch, Filter what you listen to, and Filter who you talk to.

Do not let negative thoughts play out in your mind.

We believe what is told to us, especially when we are the ones saying it.

Find something to be thankful for and meditate on that.

Good breeds good, and bad breeds bad.  Find the good in your life.                                                            

For the sake of our own good, we must learn to Magnify the known good and minimize the uncertainty!

                                                                            This is a Thompson Truth. 


