Last time we talked about how, “Everything Happens for a Reason”.

Today is the not as famous counterpart; Everything, Happens for a Season.

We all agree that Everything happens for a Reason.

But the Reason is, because it’s the Season for it to happen.

Hence, Everything Happens for a Season.

King Solomon was one of the wisest men to have ever lived.                       

He said there is a season and a time, appointed for everything under God’s heaven.

A time for birth, and a time for death…a time of war, a time of peace. (and so on)

Every season is a season of change. Kind of like the seasons in a year.

Each season has its own importance, character, markings, and relevance.

Each season brings a change in our life. Some are subtle, others not as much.

Some seasons bring happiness, others sadness, some motivation, others listlessness. Some cause pain, some bring peace. All are needed and important.

Different seasons yield different things. To everything there is a season.

Seasons aren’t by luck, accident or for punishment. They’re by Divine Providence.

When we learn how to look, we can then see the hand of God in every season.

Spring moments are when things seem to burst open.

New blooms & new beginnings, new relationships, new opportunities, new faces, new stuff. Behold all things are new!

Summer moments are beloved by many. A time when things are easy and carefree. No hard lessons to be learned, no teaching going on, and definitely no schooling.

Then comes Fall or Autumn moments. Its harvest time. When all your hard work finally pays off. Things look bright and colorful. Vibrancy is everywhere.

We all have Winter moments. Time to store up. Hunker down, get cozy, and rejuvenate.

These all might be things we see in the seasons. But why do they come?

King Solomon also stated that every season has a purpose.

Why in that Autumn, did I have to lose a leaf off my family tree?                                                        For new growth to come forth. To produce a new bud and a new bloom.

Why was that such a cold, icy, and bitter like Wintertime in my life?                                              To kill off and break off that which was going to make you bitter.

Why did it have to get so hot, and uncomfortable in that situation?                                               To wither and shrivel up some things that needed to stop growing in your life.

Why did so many tears have to drop like rain?                                                         To wash away all that debris that was starting to pile up around you.

To every season there is a purpose. The purpose for the season is transition.

Life cannot remain static. You and I cannot remain static!

No matter how good, or how bad, nothing gets to remain the same.

Transition is inevitable. Transition is needed.

The Horrible stuff we learned to Handle it. The Bad turned to Good. The Good to Better.

Each transition presents us with the benefits of a brand-new season.

God promises us that for every death, there is a new life awaiting us.

Maybe it is our own. Maybe it is someone we had not previously seen before.

Everyone likes new beginnings, but things must end before the new can begin.

I like a Harvest. I also need to like to dig, get dirty, work long hours, plant, and tend that field.

As well as spend my money for the seeds. You cannot have one without the other.

God’s purpose for every season of transition is to keep us growing.

We must look beyond the experience, to learn from its significance.

When things Change. We Grow! We go from Battle Weary to Battle Tested.

That Sickness is being used to a build a Better Immune System.

Those Hurts will be used to Help Others.

No more a Victim, now we have become the Victor.

Every change presents a choice. Stand and grow now or run and see it again.

Everything is working for our good.

Embrace the Season. Embrace the Transition. Embrace the Growth.

What we have gone through, has taught us how to go through.

Happiness has greater value for those of us who have been hurt.

We must thank God for this Season we are in now and ask him to teach us its significance!


                                                             This is a Thompson Truth.                                                                                


