I know this might sound like an oxymoron, or double speak.  But it’s not.

Just follow along and you’ll see where I’m going.

Have you ever wished that you could have done something differently?

Sought out some advice? Waited a bit longer? Considered some other options?

Perhaps went a different route? Made, a different choice, or not choose at all?

What if you could have known then, what you know now?

Would you rethink that purchase? That relationship? That commitment?

What If? That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?  What If?

I’m not promoting that we cry over the spilled milk of yesterday or yesteryear.

We did the best we could with what we knew.

What if, we could’ve known more? What if, we had hindsight foresight?

Let’s explore that a bit more, to gain some more understanding.

Hindsight is the ability to understand and realize something about an event after it happened, that you did not realize at that time.

Foresight is the power of foreseeing. The ability or result of an ability to use insight to predict what will happen in the future.

If we could put those two things together, we could have Hindsight Foresight.

Then we would know, the great, What If?

I could know and use then, what I know now. Wow, that would be great.

But how could we put those two together? I’m glad you asked.

In the definition of hindsight notice it said, “that you did not realize at the time”

Which infers that you could’ve realized it, but you didn’t happen to realize it then.

It was realizable. We just didn’t realize it or acknowledge it at that time. Hmmm.

Now let’s look at that word foresight again.

Foresight speaks of an ability to foresee. Which means it is possible to foresee.

We just need to tap into that ability to foresee. Right?

So, if you and I acknowledged there could be another possible realization other than what we thought, we knew.

And we were open and available to the ability to foresee, then we would foreknow.

Let’s read or listen to that again, please.

If you and I acknowledged there could be another possible realization other than what we thought, we knew.

And we were open and available to the ability to foresee, then we would foreknow.

That’s a lot of meat on that bone. We could stop right here and eat really good.

With that thought in mind, This, is a Thompson Truth. No. I’m Just kidding!

We’ll walk a little further together.

We are closed off and predisposed to the idea of accepting or acknowledging anything other than what we have predetermined that we know.

The thing that blocks us from acknowledging, is in the very word I just used.

Acknowledge, is our knowledge of something that we have accepted as valid or legitimate.

When we think we already know something, we are not open to the idea of knowing something else, because we have already acknowledged, that which we know or think, is proven to be accurate, valid, and legitimate.

We’ve said to ourselves, there’s no other truth, than that which I ALREADY KNOW. That truth that I have already accepted in my mind!

We have convinced ourselves that our way. is how it is, and WE KNOW IT!

In other words, this happens when we are not open and available to the ability to foresee anything, because we think we already know everything or at least what is to be known pertaining to this matter.

We know, what is known, but we don’t know, that which is unknown or not known yet.

The unknown is just unknown for now, that doesn’t mean it can’t be known.

It is possible to know the unknown, if we are willing to be open and make ourselves available to a different route, and a different approach.

Here’s some homework, ask yourself a few telling questions.

If I would have known differently, would I have chosen to accept it?

Could I have gone another route than the one That I deemed correct for me?

Or would I have only trusted what I had come to know for myself, personally?

Do I trust anyone or anything else other than myself?

Do I trust God? Should I trust God? Can I trust God?

Tune in next time for our continued conversation on the challenges of considering the known versus the unknown.


                                                            This is a Thompson Truth.         


