If you had to choose, to have either Knowledge or Wisdom, which one would it be?
There are plenty of good arguments on both sides.
But what if you could only choose one?
Many people believe that you can gain wisdom through the knowledge that you have about a particular situation or circumstance.
It is possible, to gain a little wisdom, maybe through your personal knowledge.
However, it is not guaranteed. That is why many times we repeat some of the same mistakes over and over again.
Its like the ever-popular saying, Wash…Rinse…Repeat! Wash…Rinse…Repeat!
The little knowledge that was gained, was hindsight from a previous experience.
That knowledge that we think could be considered wisdom, only applies to a situation exactly like the one you just experienced.
Rarely, do we have a repeat of the exact same situation or circumstance.
Usually there is something, or someone different, involved in the next experience.
So then, rarely is the wisdom we gained from any past knowledge applicable going forward.
In other words, you can only use what you learned in that particular situation.
More often than not, we end up with Hindsight Bias.
Hindsight Bias is when we think we know everything, based solely upon the things that we have already experienced.
Unfortunately, we find ourselves in a constant cycle of repeating mistakes, not learning the lessons, and surely not changing our methods.
I shared a Thompson Truth recently, the title was “Living Looking Back”, check it out to hear some more on this.
There ARE some lessons to be learned from previous mistakes, like, live and learn.
But that little knowledge we gain, will prove to be an insufficient plan for our future.
We must ask ourselves is Knowledge the chicken or the egg?
Do I know because I am wise, or am I wise because I know?
Knowledge is what comes from your own understanding.
Wisdom is what comes from trusting the understanding of another.
Knowledge says, ahh now I know. Wisdom says, there is much more to be known.
Knowledge can be arrogant and cocky. Wisdom is humble and open.
Knowledge can make one quick to move, because they believe they know the way.
Wisdom will cause you to move slower, because you realize you are still being shown the way.
A Knowledgeable person is not always a Wise person.
But a Wise person certainly has acquired a lot of Knowledge.
There is a proverb that states the following.
Trust in and rely confidently on God with all your heart.
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In everything that you do acknowledge / seek out God first.
And he will smooth things out for you, and remove obstacles that block your way.
Last time I said we go off what we knew, not, what we could have known.
What we could have known, comes from Wisdom.
And Hindsight Foresight Wisdom comes from God.
What are some things that you would ask God for wisdom on?
So, Go ahead! Ask Him Now?
There is no time like the present…We have gone long enough without wisdom!
This is a Thompson Truth.