Thoughts & Prayers

Thoughts and Prayers is an expression or phrase that is frequently used when someone is ill, hurting, a loss has recently happened, natural disaster, a tragedy, or anytime that someone is believed to be heavily burdened. 

It is an offering of condolences or an expression of sorrow.

Thoughts and Prayers really do play an important role in a person’s life during those times.

As I write this, I am really hurting inside. I have just recently experienced another loss of a family member. My little brother Zachary suddenly passed away in September 2020.

My mind is all over the place. Thoughts filled with memories of the past, thoughts of his current passing and thoughts of the unmaterialized future we had planned for ourselves. My family and I, like so many others, need the Thoughts and Prayers of others at this time in my life.

Contrary to what some might think, I am not mad at God. In fact I know my brother is in his best state ever and the best possible place he could be is in heaven with God. I am hurting because I miss him so.

When someone truly commits to direct or offer loving Thoughts and Prayers for you it is greatly needed and appreciated. 

Their Thoughts can cover your mind from acting out crazy thoughts you might have of your own. You might have them, but a barrier is placed by the kind Thoughts of others to keep you from carrying them out.

Their Prayers will hold your heart and soul in care and comfort.

Some might consider the phrase of "Thoughts and Prayers" an inconsequential act by someone who just doesn't want to get involved, a token show of support if you will. But nothing could be further from the truth.

When one offers their “Thoughts and Prayers” it is a way of recognizing that the person really needs God’s presence and compassion to help them during this tough time in their life.

That’s why we should offer our “Thoughts and Prayers” when anyone we know has a heavy burden.

At times we might not have prayed as we promised them, or given their afflictions a second thought. But now we will, because we know it makes a difference.

We need each other’s Thoughts and Prayers. Not only in tough times, but at all times.

This is a Heavy Heartfelt, Thompson Truth!



