Thompson Truths
A safe place for seekers to find the truth. These weekly devotionals and podcasts from Benton T. Thompson III are certain to inspire, enlighten, and offer hope. Read and listen to the truths below as you follow along with the podcasts. Feel free to share comments.
When some people speak of life balance, they refer to time management. I want to talk about the balance of your life in terms of three individual parts of you that operate interdependently. The total you! The whole you! Body, Mind, and Spirit…
Some of us start the day by hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock, jumping out of the bed at the last minute, rushing to get ready, and then running out the door.
Others of us, might wake up early in the morning with the mindset that the early bird gets the benefits of the day.
But when does a new day actually begin?
My father’s message wasn’t the atypical one where men are taught not to cry or that they should never show emotion. Nor did he teach us to be a bully or prey on the weak. My father used a simple anecdote to teach us a very valuable life lesson…
What do I mean by living in the past? When we constantly refer to how things used to be, that’s living in the past. Remembering the past is certainly not a sin, but constantly desiring to return to it could be…
Who Am I?
Maybe you didn’t or couldn’t express it out loud to anyone for fear of what you thought they might think or say about you. You didn’t feel comfortable sharing those deep personal feelings with anyone. You wouldn’t dare expose yourself like that. Or, you tried once and were ridiculed. Whatever the case, It was still there…Who Am I? …
Listen to the Truth… a Thompson Truth
Read and listen along to Benton T. Thompson III provide his weekly Thompson Truths in an audio format. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to hear his jovial personality, feel his heart, and understand the truth in a more personable and palatable way.